Elder Scrolls fans know to expect dangerous bosses when venturing into dark dungeons, but few can match Cassel, the fearsome necromancer who uses a powerful phylactery to channel his essence and become an unstoppable foe. Boundless Necromancer must be faced down as Cassel poses an insurmountable challenge to anyone trying to pass by him.
Arum-Khal’s power as a lich is enough to exert dominion over all of Nirn, while Vastarie developed an alternative form of necromancy which aims at delaying souls’ passage after death.
Bloodmage Cassel
Blood Mages draw strength from their living enemies to extend their own lives and strengthen their spells, becoming outcasts within the magic community while using every available means to unlock all their magic’s full power.
Blood Mages have the option to harness their body’s symbiotes for both protection and attacking purposes, gaining bonuses on all attack rolls while at least one symbiote remains attached, as well as using one action per level of their blood mage character to increase his hit point maximum by an equal number – this bonus stacks with other increases to hit point maximum effects.
At 2nd level, a Blood Mage learns how to drain life from living creatures and distribute it among his collective. By making touch attacks against any target within 30 feet that has health, he may siphon health from their bodies; these targets must make fortitude saves or take damage equivalent to his necromancy level + Charisma modifier.
If a target fails their fortitude save, damage occurs as though no spell had been cast on them, with any extra heal going directly back into his collective. This applies whether or not the spell that drained their health was cast through magic or weapon attack.
At 4th level, the Blood Mage’s collective increases to long range. At 6th, 12th, and 16th levels his collective becomes planar. If his hit points fall below 0, however, they remain part of the collective for 24 hours before dissolving back into individual members.
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Mannimarco, King of Worms is an audacious necromancer who defies conventional morality to seek dominion over death. His clash with the Mages Guild stands as proof of his power; yet Mannimarco’s strength transcends simply magic – it also influences fate itself!
As an influencer of both living and dead beings, his influence allows him to manipulate both worlds with ease. He can control both their spirits as well as physical forms – hence why many consider him an unceasing necromancer. While dangerous at times, he can also prove invaluable allies against mortal enemies.

Mannimarco served as Molag Bal’s agent in his attempt to invade Nirn and merge it with Coldharbour via Planemeld. However, when his plot was foiled when the Vestige defeated him at Sancre Tor and recovered the Amulet of Kings from Mannimarco; with it in hand he intended on using Chim-el Adabal to trap Molag Bal inside its structure and siphon his power so as to become god himself.
He was then punished by being banished to Oblivion as punishment, where he became immortal and unbounded his powers. Here he became one of Tamriel’s most potent necromancers; even ascending to godhood at some points during some timelines. Wearing his signature Bloodworm Helm – both beautiful and repulsive for humans due to its trollbone structure – which grants conjuration powers, turning undead into allies while turning humans against one another, the Necromancer became rival of another boundless necromancer known as The Underking.
Potema Septim is one of the only members of Septim royal family born a dragonborn, giving her more power than most mortals. Further compounding her strength are her necromancy abilities; when alive, Potema often used government manipulation techniques for personal gain; it may have been this motive that propelled her attempt at bringing back Emperor Uriel after his death.
Potema managed this with some assistance from Blooded Vampire, whom she blackmailed into helping with her schemes. But Potema wasn’t content with only attaining Solitude’s Kingship; she desired nothing short of Tamriel itself and its Ruby Throne for herself – she would do anything it took to achieve this dream.
Once she returns, her return will have significant repercussions for both empire and realm alike. She poses a threat to unity within both arenas as she leads an undead army against loyalist forces of Mede dynasty; further, through alliances with Thalmor or any hostile outsiders she causes further division within both realms.
For you to bring her back from the dead, a special amulet of power and piece of her skull are both necessary. Once obtained, visit Styrr in Solitude who will purify and summon her again as an active warrior.
Once inside her sanctum, you’ll find that she is an even greater opponent than in her skeletal form. She will summon up her inner council of Draugr (draugr means dragon in Danish) and unleash them against you; additionally she herself may fly around shooting lighting bolts at you; however, if you choose a spot behind one of her thrones that the lighting won’t reach, chances are it should all go well for you.
Vastarie was an ardent devotee of Daedric Prince Azura, and she used soul magic as her method for cultivating its powers. While Mannimarco sought to harness it through direct manipulation of the phylactery, Vastarie saw it more like levers that could be pulled to cast powerful spells; for her soul magic represented just one source of power and knowledge that existed alongside its physical form in reality.
Vastarie stood apart from her fellow Lichs in that she wasn’t consumed with power or greed; rather, she sought ways of protecting and safeguarding humanity’s souls instead. Through this project, she came upon something far more disturbing than the reverse engineering of black Soul Gems by herself and Mannimarco; souls could actually be stored within Sigil Geodes until death occurred voluntarily and could then be consulted at leisure by mortals at their leisure.
Though this discovery had far-reaching ramifications, she saw it as a gift from Azura that allowed her to gain greater insight into the world. For this reason, she spent the years that followed exploring Nirn’s surface for sites of power such as Clockwork City and Coldharbour itself.

The High Elf Lich can be found at her mansion, the Tower of Vastarie near Laeloria in Grahtwood. Additionally, she may request assistance in Northern Elsweyr against Khajiiti undead creatures; she uses illusions to conceal her lichdom; she can be recognized by not having the decayed appearance typical for Lichs; additionally her Tutelage set which drops after completing Eyes of Azura quest and Vastarie’s Mansion Dungeon from Elsweyr DLC grants bonuses to maximum health, spell damage and resource recovery when resurrecting allies resurrected from grave.
N’Gasta is well acquainted with his trade: as an associate of the Sload, N’Gasta understands all aspects of it. During the Thrassian Plague of 1E2200 when corpses littered both seas and airways, Sload used this illness to their advantage by looting cities along coastal towns and raiding graveyards for souls to add to their collection of undead.
The Sload are nonreligious but have great respect and admiration for Mannimarco, the King of Worms. In particular they admire his Black Arts practice which they refer to as “diabolical commerce”.
N’Gasta, like other endless necromancers, does not require food or drink and can live forever without end. He prefers keeping his operations hidden, often setting up shop in abandoned wizard towers or haunted ruins and creating an elaborate lair with rooms decorated with bones and horrors, magical traps lined along the walls, and undead servants as guards.
N’Gasta uses his army of raised skeletons to perform magic, using them as weapons and shields in his magic rituals. His favorite weapon is a dagger filled with dark purple energy that radiates an additional two damage on any enemy within range. N’Gasta can create soulsnares that capture lost souls before returning them back home; in addition, he can provide protection from radiant and necrotic damage, giving allies protection from radiate harm.
N’Gasta is one of the few Sload members who has any knowledge about Iszara since she became caught in his soulsnare three moons ago. He insists she’s still alive, promising he’ll return her as soon as he finds her; yet another figure lurks nearby and is ready to attack at any moment.
The world of necromancers in the Elder Scrolls universe is vast and fascinating, featuring a variety of powerful and enigmatic figures like Cassel, Mannimarco, Potema, Vastarie, and N’Gasta. Each necromancer showcases unique abilities, motivations, and roles within their respective stories, from Mannimarco’s ambitious pursuit of godhood to Vastarie’s more philosophical approach to soul magic. Their lore enriches the Elder Scrolls universe, offering players thrilling encounters, deep moral questions, and unforgettable moments. Whether driven by power, curiosity, or vengeance, these necromancers are central to the dark and mysterious themes of the series.
1. Who is the most powerful necromancer in Elder Scrolls?
Mannimarco, the King of Worms, is often considered the most powerful necromancer due to his mastery of the dark arts, his influence over both the living and the dead, and his ascension to godhood in some timelines.
2. What is the significance of necromancy in Elder Scrolls lore?
Necromancy explores themes of life, death, and the manipulation of souls. It raises moral and ethical questions while providing players with unique challenges and storylines in the Elder Scrolls universe.
3. How does Cassel differ from other necromancers?
Cassel wields a powerful phylactery to channel his essence, making him a nearly unstoppable foe. His use of a phylactery ties him to the lich archetype but adds a unique gameplay challenge for players.
4. What role does Potema Septim play in the Elder Scrolls series?
Potema, also known as the Wolf Queen, is a dragonborn and a necromancer who sought to control the Ruby Throne. Her cunning political moves and mastery of necromancy make her a memorable antagonist in Elder Scrolls lore.
5. How does Vastarie’s approach to necromancy differ from others?
Unlike most necromancers who seek power, Vastarie uses necromancy for philosophical and protective purposes, working to preserve and understand souls rather than exploit them.
6. What are N’Gasta’s most notable traits as a necromancer?
N’Gasta, a Sload necromancer, is known for his soulsnares and his mastery of dark rituals. His operations are often hidden, and his lairs are filled with traps and undead minions.
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